Database Management

OMNiON’ database updating service can eliminate hours of your precious time being eaten up trying to manage your information. If you own a database driven website or e-commerce website and have had to make changes and updates to it you probably know it can be a very detail-oriented, time consuming and often frustrating job.
Our highly-skilled database team can create robust and scalable databases driven web sites capable of supporting many concurrent users. With our many years of experience managing most major databases (SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, SQLlite, Postgresql, etc) and experience with admin interfaces (custom, SQL Studio, phpMyAdmin, phpPgAdmin, etc) your data is in expert hands.
On all database update jobs backups are made each step of the way, providing you with a series of rollback points. My experience in handling critical data assures you your data is not being handled by someone that ‘may’ know what they are doing. I guarantee your data will be safe, sound and updated properly!

Our unique innovations & turn-key solutions based on our extensive experience & depth of knowledge will help you succeed. Our founder, M. C. Abraham, is India's most experienced, successful & widely regarded publishing & media services outsourcing expert having pioneered the y back in 1974 & our co-founder, Mat Abraham, managed media solutions technology for Quad/Graphics, USA with over 20 years experience serving all the top media & brand customers in the world.
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