Photo Retouching
OMNiON’s retouching services include color correction, correction of contrast, clarity, crispness, saturation, and white balance and involves high-quality effort at the heart of which is a good understanding of color management.
Comprehensive Services – PreMedia & Technology
OMNiON provides a full range of premedia services for executing all levels of content production from traditional prepress, and page composition to addressing the need for newer digital channels such as tablets & mobile platforms and more integrated and technical production workflows. OMNiON understands those challenges & differences, and has both the skilled staff and technology to support such a wide variety of end-needs under one roof. Our staff becomes an extension of yours – we bring our people resources and integrate them with the technology that drives new levels of efficiency.
Photo & Image Clipping Path
OMNiON’ highly experienced imaging artists understand the importance of showing your photos in the best possible way to the consumer – it could make the difference between success and failure of the presentation. As part of our imaging services, we provide clipping paths – which is a hard-edged vector masking technique that encircles some desired areas and hides unwanted image elements – when appropriate or directed by the customer.
3D Package Prototyping & Visuals
OMNiON’ 3D artists can turn your packaging ideas into beautiful 3D images, for your own inspiration or to impress an important client. Test the visual impact of your latest design in the environment where it all happens: the store.
Photo & Image Masking
OMNiON’s imaging artists can provide the best image masking services anywhere in the world, on time, all the time. An image mask isolates a part of a photograph from the remainder of the photograph where the edges are not sharp or well defined. Our image masking can be done by Layer Masking, Alpha Masking, Channel Masking, etc.
Our unique innovations & turn-key solutions based on our extensive experience & depth of knowledge will help you succeed. Our founder, M. C. Abraham, is India's most experienced, successful & widely regarded publishing & media services outsourcing expert having pioneered the y back in 1974 & our co-founder, Mat Abraham, managed media solutions technology for Quad/Graphics, USA with over 20 years experience serving all the top media & brand customers in the world.
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